KTECH's Submission - Planning for Gunn Point Peninsula

Keep Top End Coasts Healthy has put in a submission to the NT Planning Commission on the proposed development of Gunn Peninsula and Glyde Point. 

This massive industrial development would have significant harmful impacts for our coasts and the people who love them. The proposal to develop a massive port, a big industrial estate and a town of 36000 at Gunn Peninsula and Glyde Points will undo over a decade of protection of this area. This protection has meant the area currently has intact natural, cultural, fishing, lifestyle and tourism values. Putting heavy industry on the coast at Glyde Point increases the risk of major disasters including oil spills, chemical pollution and shipping accidents. The consequences of such a disaster for this area would be disastrous.

The area includes mangroves, coral reefs, rainforest and woodlands. It's a feeding ground for turtle and dugong species; it is a highly valued recreational fishing area for the Top End community and sustains other fishing areas nearby; and it contains significant cultural sites and areas of ongoing use for the Traditional Owners.  
This special area is too precious to lose.
This proposal has been fought off by the Territory community twice before, and we will do it again. 
Read our submission here.