Dams and industrial-scale irrigated crops could destroy the natural flows of the Roper River, devastating the region's fisheries, marine life and tourism values.
Healthy rivers and coasts are central to our Top End way of life, the great Territory fishing experience and our economy. But many of our precious rivers are under threat from proposals for dams, water extraction, and industrial-scale irrigated crops like cotton.
The mighty Roper River is one of the Territory’s greatest rivers and flows into Limmen Bight Marine Park, supporting some of the best fishing in the Territory, incredible marine life and a growing tourism economy.
This iconic Territory river has been earmarked for water extraction and a major dam proposal for industrial-scale irrigated crops like cotton.
We’ve seen the disastrous impacts of irrigated cotton on the Murray-Darling River. It would be foolish to repeat them on the Roper.
"We're prepared leaving them like it was and like it is now. Not to touch anything. not to muck up the breeding systems or animals and fish" Walter Rogers Kolbong - Marra Traditional Owner
TAKE ACTION now, learn more of WHAT'S SPECIAL or scroll through the current problems facing our Top End Coasts below.