Threats to Our Coastal Backyard
Darwin Harbour, the heart of our city, is under threat from a proposed 1500-hectare industrial development. This immense plan will destroy mangrove coastlines and expand polluting fossil fuels and harmful petrochemicals close to our homes. The presence of toxic industries, and the increased risk of accidents and spills, could irreversibly harm the health of Darwin Harbour.
Darwin Harbour is home to threatened species like dugong and turtles and, for the Larrakia people, all aspects of social, cultural, and economic life are intimately connected to their saltwater country. The proposed industrial development threatens the Harbour’s unique biodiversity, corals, seagrass and rich mangrove systems. Our recreation, fishing, and local tourism all rely on a healthy Harbour. This is all under threat from massive dirty industrialisation at Middle Arm.
Only clean industries, based on renewable energy, should be invited into our coastal backyard. The Harbour is for our future, not dirty industry.
This ABC News story paints a concerning picture. Fishing Guide for over 30 years, Jason Rogers, has seen a decline in the numbers of fish they’re able to catch. He says “a lot of these big companies do damage and walk away… and we’re left with the detriment of it”.
TAKE ACTION now, learn more of WHAT'S SPECIAL or scroll through the current problems facing our Top End Coasts below.