A new mine proposal threatens some of the Territory’s most precious places: the Roper River, Maria Island and Limmen Bight Marine National Park. These areas have outstanding natural and cultural values, are popular recreational fishing spots, and have great tourism opportunities.
We cannot let this go ahead. Add your voice to stop this mine today.
We’ve seen it before – overseas companies planning to exploit the Territory for a quick profit. Local communities are concerned this 100% overseas owned company, with no connection to the Top End, will disappear as fast as they appeared, leaving behind the mess.
Traditional Owner Grace Daniels said ”We don’t want to see any damage or pollutant coming to Port Roper and to Maria Island. This document [the proposal] was a big surprise for me. And I don’t want to see it happen. We say No for Maria Island - it’s a beautiful land”
The local community are taking a stand. Let’s join with them to stop this mine. Take a moment to sign today.
If this iron ore mine plan goes ahead, massive trucks, barges and ships will be on the move putting at risk some of our most precious places: the Roper River, Maria Island and Limmen Bight Marine National Park.
These top fishing spots, the marine life, the seagrass and mangroves, are being jeopardised by what appears to be a ‘cut and run’ iron ore mine proposal. It threatens to increase water turbidity, poses oil spill and pollution risk, and adds industrial pressures to these precious places.
The Roper River and Limmen Bight Marine National Park are too precious to lose. Sign to stop this mine today.
Read the news coverage:
- ABC NT Country Hour 15 August 2017 - http://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/nt-country-hour/nt-country-hour/8787604
- ABC News Online 12 August 2017 - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-12/indigenous-leaders-ask-nt-government-to-reject-iron-mine-revival/8798158
- ABC News TV 12 August 2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjNqjnLVvCs&feature=youtu.be