Healthy coasts are at the heart of our Top End lifestyle, economy, and culture. But they are under threat and we are seeing signs of decline.
We wrote a letter to all the parties asking where they stand on safeguarding our coasts. We also note key-related content from Party responses to AFANT and Territory Rivers.
Below is a summary of where the parties stand. Full responses to KTECH are linked below.
🔹 Gillnet Licence Buyout: a commitment to phase out gillnet fishing and working closely with industry to find a fair and equitable solution. 🔹 Keep Rivers Flowing: The CLP has committed to no dams in flowing rivers. 🔹 Parks and Rangers: The CLP has committed to invest more into upkeep of our parks through rangers, eliminating pests and promoting native species of flora and fauna. 🔹 Extend Limmen Bight Marine Park: the CLP will extend the NT Limmen Bight Marine Park to meet the southern boundary of the Commonwealth Marine Park. 🔹 Science-based Marine Parks: The CLP has committed to marine parks based on science and developed in consultation with stakeholders and traditional owners; no arbitrary lockouts of users.
🔹 Gillnet Licence Buyout: a commitment to phase out gillnet fishing and $15 million to buyout gillnet licences. 🔹 Keep Rivers Flowing: Labor has committed to no dams on the Roper or Daly Rivers and new Water Laws by 2026. 🔹 Implement the NT Parks Masterplan and fund the Aboriginal Ranger Program: Labor intends to implement the 30 year NT Parks Masterplan and has committed to four more years of funding the NT Aboriginal Ranger Grants. 🔹 Implement the Limmen Bight Marine Park Plan of Management: $2.7 million in Federal funding has been secured and is supporting management objectives within the Limmen Bight Marine Parks including moving ahead with plans to deliver a unique joint management model, including traditional owners, with a detailed zoning system. 🔹 Territory wide habitat mapping: evidence and science based decision making in the declaration of marine parks and marine park zoning. Territory wide habitat mapping is nearing completion to inform the best location for a further marine park, which will be supported by appropriate scientific evidence. 🔹 The Plan to Protect our Coasts: implement the 10 year NT Coastal and Marine Management Strategy. 🔹 Biodiversity Strategy: Consult on and implement a Biodiversity Strategy for the Northern Territory. Consultation on the strategy will scope legislative change needed to achieve objectives of the strategy. 🔹 Implement the NT Circular Economy Strategy 2022-2027: to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, including a phase out and ban on certain single-use plastics by 2025. |
🔹 Gillnet Licence Buyout: a commitment to phase out gillnet fishing and $15 million to buyout gillnet licences. 🔹 Implementing gillnet-free Areas: Protect threatened species by implementing net-free zones in critical habitat areas such as Van Diemen Gulf and the south-western Gulf of Carpentaria and buyback licences to avoid displacement of effort. 🔹 Keep Rivers Flowing: The Greens have committed to No Dams on the Daly and Roper Rivers and new Water Laws. 🔹 Implement the NT Parks Masterplan: Particularly the commitment to strengthen and expand the park system and implement marine protected area management models. 🔹Limmen Bight Marine Park: Extend the Limmen Bight Marine Park south to Rosie Creek protecting some of the Territory’s best seagrass meadows and to align with the extent of Marra sea country and the Commonwealth Limmen Marine Park. 🔹 Complete Site Selection for New Marine Protected Areas: in line with the federal funding agreement for new areas. 🔹 Sustainable fisheries: Implement independent monitoring programs - use electronic monitoring and scientific observers across commercial fisheries to ensure compliance and sustainability. 🔹 Biodiversity Strategy: The Greens will create a dedicated Biodiversity Strategy for the Northern Territory and establish a Northern Territory Biodiversity Act. 🔹 Reduce Plastic Pollution: invest in efforts to transition to a circular economy and ban key single-use plastics. |
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