Keep Top End Coasts Healthy and the Environment Centre NT urge the Planning Commission and the Northern Territory Government to consider our recommendations and create a new vision for the Gunn Point Peninsula, taking advantage of the significant cultural and environmental values of the region.
Glyde Point’s ecosystems, including mangroves, coral reefs, rainforest and woodlands, have high conservation, tourism, fishing and cultural values. The area is a feeding ground for endangered turtle and dugong species; it is a highly valued recreational fishing area for the Top End community and sustains other fishing areas nearby; and it contains significant cultural sites and areas of ongoing use for the Traditional Owners.
As we have said in numerous land use submissions and development proposals for over thirty years, we do not support the development of industry on the Gunn Point and Glyde Point Peninsula. It is
disappointing and concerning that the Northern Territory Government (NTG) continues to create policies to facilitate the development of industry in this special place.