Help ban single-use plastics
Right now, our turtles and local wildlife are being killed by plastic pollution in our oceans. Already over half of all turtles have plastic in their stomachs.
We have a rare chance to make a change. The Northern Territory government is asking for your feedback on whether they should ban single-use plastics.
If enough people call for a ban on single-use plastics before 14 February, our politicians will have to listen.
Tell the NT Government, it’s time to join the rest of Australia phase out all the most common and dangerous single-use plastics for wildlife:
- Straws & drink stirrers
- Cutlery
- Polystyrene food & drink containers
- Plates & bowls
- Cotton bud sticks
- Fruit & veggie bags
- Thick plastic bags
- Plastic cups & lids
- Coffee cups containing plastic
- Plastic takeaway containers
We are also encouraging the NT Government to improve waste and recycling by:
- Upgrading the NT’s waste and recycling facilities, to dramatically improve our recycling rates.
- Cracking down on greenwashing, banning products that claim to be ‘compostable’ yet don’t meet Australian compost standards.
- Expanding the Container Deposit Scheme so that other containers such as wine bottles and milk bottles can be returned for a 10c refund.
Use our simple tool to show your support for cleaning up our oceans today!